15 July 2007

He is moving

Wow is all that I can say right now.

God is moving in my life and in the lives of those around me.

How amazing and humbling it is to know and trust that God is moving in my life!

I had been at a place in my life where I was angry and I had a horrible thought life. I had just let every little thing get to me and I hated the person I was becoming. I am not an angry person and that is not the kind of life that God has for me. He promises in John to give me a full and abundant life. I was not living the full and abundant life. I knew that I needed a change from within. A change that only God could create.

I had to re-examine my whole life - my thoughts. my relationship with God, my relationships with others. my outlook on life, my vision, my view of the future - EVERYTHING! Thank God that He never left me. I knew that I had to make some intentional changes - the music I was listening to was making me angry (and I never had a problem with that before), the things I did with friends, the words I spoke were not life-giving. Satan is good at what he does - he was definitley getting into my mind and feeding me all these lies. Even though I knew they weren't true I let them control my attitude. Praise God that I was able to see those as lies. I am beginning to see things differently and I can already see the changes God is doing in my life - in less than a week of this life change that I asked for. I've had some of the sweetest times with the Lord this past week.

How sweet to see God's hand leading me through. How sweet to see His faithfulness. How sweet to see His unconditional love flooding over my life. He's getting ready to do some amazing things and I pray that I am intentionally available for whatever He calls me to do.

Friends. please keep me in your prayers and let me know if there is anything I can do for you. I want to always be available.

1 comment:

Andrea Bowman said...

i love you! i'm glad that the Lord is moving in your life. i miss you...you should move to texas...have i mentioned that?